Enabling Greater Protection & Safety for Lone or Remote Employees
Jen Brady
Craig Swallow
Chief Executive Officer
Marty Hebert
Head of Strategy
Jen Brady
With trends in remote and lone work here to stay, leading organizations are turning to digital safety features that provide lone workers with peace of mind and security – no matter where they are.
During this webinar, join the RapidSOS team for a live discussion and demonstration of how employee safety solutions, including mobile apps, can be transformed into a lifeline to safety during both anxious moments and critical emergencies.
Attendees will learn how to leverage 24/7 Safety Agents to provide around the clock support for remote workers when they’re feeling unsafe in addition to direct connections to 911 and emergency services during true, immediate emergencies.
We will also hear from Craig Swallow, Chief Executive Officer of Vismo as he describes how their mobile application integrates with RapidSOS to connect life-saving data from remote workers directly to Safety Agents, 911, and first responders.