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Risk Management for Traveling Employees

Localized critical events happen often and can threaten the safety of your traveling employees if they are in the vicinity.. Vismo offers easy-to-use, secure solutions that combine the latest technologies in threat intelligence, mass notification techniques and real-time incident management.

Mass Notification Map

Mass Notification

Reach employees in seconds when an incident occurs with Mass Notification. Using live intelligence feeds into the Vismo Secure Portal, combined with geo-fencing, organizations can immediately send targeted messages to employees in the proximity of an incident to provide critical information and assist with safe evacuation. All with a full audit trail.

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Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence tools provide a stronger, more granular and more immediate understanding of risks and threats that occur daily around the world. Vismo acts as a conduit for this risk intelligence, marrying it with the known location of your employees, as well as safe and unsafe locations your organization will have pre-defined to effectively help modify travel itineraries and schedules.

Vismo partners with the world’s leading providers of risk knowledge to deliver high-quality intelligence which is AI or human-verified and analyzed, to ensure organizations can quickly respond when an incident or event occurs. Having a single App that collates and feeds this knowledge simply to your global or domestic workforce helps create certainty and assurance to all stakeholders.

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