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Monitor App - News - Rectangle (1860 x 920)Monitor App - News - Rectangle (1860 x 920)


New features added to the Vismo Monitor App

Vismo launched the Vismo Monitor App in January 2022 and since then organizations have effectively managed alerts triggered by employees who find themselves in a critical situation and require assistance.

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Garmin Montana 700iGarmin Montana 700i


Expanding device portfolio to protect employees in challenging locations

To support the ongoing demand, Vismo is introducing the Garmin Montana 700i to its product portfolio. The 700i is ideal for employees working in remote locations and often in challenging conditions, where reliable communication is essential, no matter where they are in the world or how long they are out in the field.

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Looking after employees, including lone workers, in this era of flexible working

Gone are the days when senior executives were the ones most likely to work flexibly. The work and duty of care landscape has changed beyond recognition, with the result that new approaches to, and tools to optimise, duty of care, are coming under the spotlight.

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Global traveller at airportGlobal traveller at airport


Vismo and ISO 31030 – Travel risk management guidance for organisations

With expanding duty of care responsibilities and risks to business travellers on the rise, companies must find new ways to alleviate the anxieties of business travel, while keeping travelling employees safe. Vismo does this through our world-leading GPS tracking Locate & Protect App.

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Sat devices from VismoSat devices from Vismo


Satellite devices available at Vismo

As a result of military escalations in Ukraine and organisations sending their workers to remote corners of the globe, where mobile coverage is either patchy or non-existent, there is now a worldwide shortage of satellite phones and tracking devices. The demand is so high that Vismo strongly advises all our current and potential customers to contact us now if they need devices for current critical or urgent deployment.

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Rescue teamRescue team


Vismo smartphone apps play a vital role in preparing employers for any eventuality

Critical risks that impact global travelling employees can sometimes happen very quickly, for example a terrorist attack or a sudden weather warning, but sometimes critical risks can show signs of building over time, even falling in risk before suddenly reappearing.

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Vismo announces partnership with Riskline

Vismo and Riskline announced a key partnership together, providing clients with accurate location services tallied with high quality risk related intelligence.

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Vismo to use what3words location technology to help organisations protect their employees

Vismo has announced the rollout of what3words location technology into the Vismo Secure Portal, to help organizations respond to incidents more effectively and keep their employees as safe as possible.

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Laggan Avenue on the Caledonian Canal in ScotlandLaggan Avenue on the Caledonian Canal in Scotland


Vismo Tracks North Sea-Atlantic Ocean Paddle Board Expedition

Colin Dale, Vismo Director of Global Sales, began a self-supported expedition across Scotland, paddle boarding the Caledonian Canal. The expedition began in the North Sea in Inverness, where Colin travelled by paddle board around 18 miles per day.

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Business man using laptop and phone at cafeBusiness man using laptop and phone at cafe


Top 5 Measures to Protect Lone Workers

All employees have potential risks within the workplace. Those individuals who work alone have increased risks as there are usually no other workers around to help or support them. Or, the location they are operating from may have an inherent risk. Measures should be implemented to manage and reduce such risks. Lone Workers can include those who are based at home, visiting different sites, work alone at a permanent location and those working outside normal hours.

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What an employer needs to know about protecting employees

Employers have a legal obligation to consider employee health and safety risks. The risks workers face need to be understood and a plan needs to be executed to manage and reduce these risks. Employers should ensure adequate safety measures are implemented to protect workers. In 1974, the Health and Safety at Work Act came into force, ensuring employers have processes and measures in place to protect their employees. Employee safety should always be at the forefront of planning, to make sure the correct procedures are in place to manage and reduce employee risks.

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The nights are getting darker, have you implemented measures to protect your Lone Workers?

As the nights get darker, risks to Lone Workers increase. Do you have extra measures in place to protect your Lone Workers? Implementing a monitored solution can help you better manage the increased risk workers face when out in the community or working alone in general.

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